Welcome to my shop! We’re still under construction, so please don’t mind the mess. All pages should be up and running soon. Enjoy!
Magic is all around us. It’s in the air, the plants, the people that we see everyday. Anyone who chooses to look for it can find it. Even if you don’t believe in witchcraft, you can still sense when something will bring a good energy into your life. The items on this page are not just for witches, but for anyone who can appreciate their beauty (and sometimes whimsy).
Please allow a 4-6 week shipping date for any custom items as they are made to order and my suppliers do not always have the needed components on hand.
Crystal grids can serve a dual purpose of beautiful ornamentation along with being a source of vibrational energy meant to inspire and encourage change in your life. At this time, I only offer custom grids although I will have several general purpose grids available in the future.
The legend of the dreamcatcher is known to many peoples and has many different meanings, though the central tenets continue to be the same. From the traditional to the artistic, the dreamcatchers here are meant to bring light into your life, no matter your beliefs.
This page is currently under construction, so please check back in the future for new products.
Whether you buy a wand for a spellcasting focus or just for fun, all of the wands here are handmade and use materials that have different meanings.